This is some vinyl lettering I made today for my downstairs living room - It's our initials and the year we were married. These are simple to create and can be purchased for $10.
Just a side note, I have been contemplating some new ideas that can be done with vinyl lettering.. Customizable scentsy bases, etc.. At the moment these are just ideas in progress - if you are interested in ordering one please let me know.
Custom Cards: $1.50 per card (unless ordered in bulk)
Vinyl Lettering (individual letters): 50 cents per letter/symbol and then 25 cents per every 1/2'' in height per letter/symbol (IE: ROSS @ 2 1/2 inches is $7.00)
Vinyl Lettering (quotes): Contact for pricing. Depends on length and detail of quote. Most are $5 --$20.
Wood Blocks (standard): 6 blocks, painted by colors of your choice, sanding and lettering $15.00
Wood Blocks (custom): depends on # of blocks. Email or call/text for pricing. Price will include lettering, paint colors of your choice, sanding, and vinyl color of your choice
These are cute! Good job on all the new ideas! I hope tihs works out great for you!