Sunday, January 31, 2010

A few more Flowers & Bows

These are just some more bows and clips I made this afternoon..

Daisy Clips $6 a piece
Red Bows.. $5 a set

Quick picture of everything I made this weekend

Bows & Flowers

Here are some pictures of the bows I just made.. sorry the pictures arent the best - my camera is hating me for some reason. I will take some more here later on and hope they work.

Clip Bows $5 a set

Flower Clips $4-$6 a piece

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Family Names..

Here is a picture of the family name I made for our home. These too can be purchased. Prices will vary depending on length of name/# of letters needed as price for more letters will obviously change. You can change the ribbon color, add bows, etc. Please contact me for pricing info!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My New Idea..

This is some vinyl lettering I made today for my downstairs living room - It's our initials and the year we were married. These are simple to create and can be purchased for $10.

Just a side note, I have been contemplating some new ideas that can be done with vinyl lettering.. Customizable scentsy bases, etc.. At the moment these are just ideas in progress - if you are interested in ordering one please let me know.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank you cards

Here are some recent thank you cards I made..

Vinyl Lettering

For those of you that are interested in ordering vinyl lettering, I figured I would compose a list of what I have. I can make any saying/quote at any size and have multiple colors of vinyl. These are some pictures of the vinyl lettering I have done around my house -- none of this stuff I made personally but I wanted to give you the general idea.

Vinyl On a Wooden Ladder

Vinyl on Cars

Vinyl on Walls

Vinyl on a wood plank

Vinyl on Jars

Vinyl on Tile

Vinyl on another tile...

Vinyl can be applied on basically anything as you can tell.. From tile and walls, to cars and wood, and it's simple to apply. Each order will come with step by step instructions for those of you that have never done this before. (I know outside of Utah it's not as popular!) Here are the vinyl colors I have available at the present time..
Vinyl Colors: Light blue, Blue, Grey, Yellow, Chocolate Brown, Black and Pink.. More to come!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Blocks are hand cut, sanded and painted before placing vinyl lettering. You can do any sort of theme/saying.

Misc. Cards

These cards were used for Thank you's but as you can see they can be customized to any sort of situation.

Birthday Invitations

Here are some birthday invitations. Sorry the pictures are so fuzzy.. You can customize the birthday invites with any colors on the outside, as well as the inside details.

After much ado..

After some constant pressure from close family and friends I have FINALLY decided to start selling my vinyl lettering, adorable headbands and hand made cards.. I will start up loading pictures, get a price guide, and what not in the next few days. Thanks for all your support..